How To Use FB+
If you create content that is over 1 minute long that you want to upload, you need to select FB+. Fanbase+ is our long form video option, which allows you to upload a video that is 2 hours long.
- To begin, hit the “plus” button in the middle of your home page.
- From there hit the other “plus”button with the play button icon on top of it
- Now, to upload to Fanbase Plus you have a couple options!
- On FB+ we give you a few options: the first being to upload your video directly from your library, on your phone or computer.
The other option is to input the Youtube URL of the video you would like to upload. This option is if you already have content uploaded to Youtube and want to transfer it here to FB+. This allows you to have the already-uploaded video transferred to here! Don’t worry, nothing will happen to your original video on Youtube, it will just duplicate!
- Also, when uploading on desktop, you can upload any kind of video that is up to 2 hours long. The big benefit of FB+ compared to Youtube is that you can have a more personal experience with our users. Specifically, you can give “loves” and essentially show your support for longer content!
- After your video is uploaded and ready to publish, you can give your video a title and description, which will help you categorize what your video is about!
- You will also have the option to change the thumbnail of your video by uploading your own graphic to be the cover photo
- Once you’re finished you can finally hit the post button!
*Important note*: Fanbase recommends uploading videos in longer length to Fanbase + from a computer to support the uploading process! The publishing process can take a couple minutes, so make sure you don’t close any windows. You don’t want to hinder the video from processing.
Once your video has gone through, you will see it appear on your Fanbase Plus page!